It is very important for you to have an understanding of your financial situation. It is helpful if you are able to bring to your initial consultation copies of recent tax returns, pay stubs, employment contracts (if any), bank statements, mortgage statements, retirement and investment account statements. If you can’t locate this information, don’t worry. We can obtain it as part of the divorce process.
Our firm is very unique because we approach each case individually. We don’t follow a set formula and instead individualize the approach depending upon the needs of each client. We will talk to you and discuss your particular concerns whether it is related to your children, a business, or support payments. The FIRST STEP is to schedule an initial consultation with one of our attorneys so that you can discuss your own particular situation, and learn about New Jersey law and what you can expect if you proceed with a divorce action.
Absolutely. We analyze each case individually and with your input, recommend a course of action we believe is in your best interest. We can certainly litigate on your behalf or offer you an alternative service such as mediation.
No. Representing yourself is rarely a good idea, especially when children are involved. Since most individuals do not have legal training in divorce and family law, you will have a difficult time achieving your desired result. Sometimes our clients have certain misconceptions of what the law is because they read it on the internet when in reality, the law has changed or the facts of their case are different from the case discussed on the internet.
If you can’t afford an attorney to handle your entire divorce, you should at least have an initial consultation with us so that you understand what’s involved before deciding that you want to represent yourself.
During the consultation, we can discuss divorce mediation where you and your spouse represent yourselves with an attorney Mediator. Once agreement is reached, the mediator can draft a settlement agreement to reflect the resolution reached by the parties in the mediation process. One of our attorneys can either act as the Mediator, or as your lawyer in reviewing the settlement agreement reached through mediation.
The vast majority of divorces statewide settle without the need for trial and we will work diligently to resolve your matter without the need for court intervention. In New Jersey, more than 95% of divorce cases settle. While our goal at Charny, Karpousis, Altieri & Donoian is always to settle your case without going to trial, if your case does need to be tried, we will be thoroughly prepared.
“Fault” rarely impacts either equitable distribution or support in New Jersey. Exceptions are made for intentional acts affecting finances, such as running a business “into the ground”, or dissipating assets on a paramour, or drugs or gambling. It is very difficult and often expensive to prove the dissipation of assets and we would, therefore, carefully analyze with you the cost/benefit of pursuing this claim.